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Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Salsa Salad Stuff

I woke up this morning, and starting going through the same old routine. I woke up, with my responsible side telling me to get up early before the heat of the sun and get ready for my run, (Let's just say my lazy side wins a lot and I end up running in the heat of the day). Then I started planning what run and what workout I was going to do. Is it going to be a normal 5-6 mile day? What about a hill day? Should I work on speed today? Is it time to do a capillary run? Then, once I decided what run I am going to do, I start feeling sorry for myself (stupid, I know. It is. I know...). I start feeling sorry for myself because I have to train alone all summer. Feeling sorry for myself because I am tired. Feeling sorry for myself because I miss my team. Then, I snap out of it and tell myself to stop having a pity party and I realized how blessed I am. And somehow through it all, I get myself out the door and I realize the only reason I manage to run every day is through the Lord. That HAS to be it. I pray for strength and motivation every day because I simply do not have it on my own. That has got to be the ONLY way I am able to do it. At least that is what I conclude. This has been my routine every day that I have visited my dad. But its worth it. I may not be as fast as I could be with the help/motivation of my team and coach, but its worth the sacrifice to be here with my daddy and spend time with him. I know the Lord will help me get stronger this season. I am looking forward to that "pinnacle" point I hit every season, where my legs feel like they can lift the world and I have so much confidence in my racing capabilities. It definitely has not come yet. It usually comes after the first few races though, so I have time.

Anyways, I made this Salad Salsa stuff. I don't know what to call it. Is it a salsa cause it has a whole bunch of salsa-y ingredients? Or is it a salad because I eat it without any chips? I don't know anymore. You call it what you'd like. Well, enjoy this new recipe. Make it for your next BBQ. I dare ya. :D


  • 2 roma tomatoes chopped
  • 1 red bell pepper chopped
  • juice of 1 lime (I had to use 2 because the first one was not very juicy, so buy 2 just in case)
  • 1/3 cup black beans
  • 2 Tb. chopped onion
  • handful of chopped cilantro
  • 1-2 small cloves of garlic
  • 1 avocado chopped

This is the hard part, are you ready??

1. Mix together

WHOOAAA! I know, I know. You're probably thinking "How do you expect me to be able to make this?" I know its hard, but I have faith in you. You can do it  ;)

E N J O Y .  H E A L T H I N G  .  Y O U R S E L F

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