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Friday, February 15, 2013

Valentines Strawberries

Happy Valentines Day! And don’t give me any of that “singleawareness day” stuff. Valentines is a day of love, yes. But you love yourfriends and family don’t you? Ok then don’t freak out if you don’t have that"special someone" this year. Valentine's day can still be a fun holiday! I loveValentines Day. I love making little valentine notes and treats for my family and friends.The holiday kind of creeped up on me this year or else I would have maybe donea little more for my family and friends. Well, how can I let Valentine’s Daypass without making a dessert, and what better dessert than chocolate coveredstrawberries? So I made this chocolatey dip stuff. But this isn’t yournormal chocolate dip. It is made with greek yogurt, peanut mill, agave, andcocoa. Dipped with strawberries, it’s a delicious bite full of nutty,chocolatey, fruity goodness. It almost reminded me of a bite of a PB&Jsandwich with a tint of chocolate. A nice, healthy alternative to milkchocolate strawberries, I thought. It’s a nice little way to switch things upthis year. If anything, it’s a healthy relief from all the Valentines day candywhen you still want something sweet. So I hope you enjoyed your Valentines Daywith your special someone or even with your family and friends.



  • 1/4 cup of greek yogurt 
  • 2/3 cup ground peanuts
  • 1 heaping Tb. of cocoa powder
  • 1/4 cup agave
  • 1 package of fresh strawberries
  1. In a medium bowl, mix the yogurt, peanuts, cocoa powder, and agave.
  2. Dip the strawberries in the mixture and lay out onto parchment paper.
  3. Place in the refrigerator to allow the chocolatey mixture to set a little more (NOTE: This mixture does not set like normal chocolate does....I didn't know if that seems obvious or not but I thought it was worth mentioning)
  4. If desired, you can drizzle melted carob chips or dark chocolate over the top.
  5. Vwa-lah! You have chocolatey covered strawberries that you can feel good about eating. 


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