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Friday, November 30, 2012

"Day after" Thanksgiving snack

I love Thanksgiving! It is a time where I just forget about all that I dont have and truly recognize all the countless blessing I do have. Why can't everyday be thanksgiving?? Oh wait, it can and should be. Everyday is a time for thanksgiving. To realize how much you have and give back to whoever you come across that could use a little assistance. That is what I believe is true happiness. Being thankful. Every truly happy person is thankful and dwell on all the things they do have rather than vice versa. The day before Thanksgiving I was thinking about how blessed I am to even have a creek full of drinkable water only a mile away, much more at the touch of a button on my fridge! Some people don't even have as much as a natural source of clean water within a reasonable walking distance. And if that is something I should be thankful for, then I have SOOO much more to reflect on. Anyways, after you have read my little devotional on gratitude, its time to get to what I am really thankful for tonight. The food!! After Thanksgiving, you may have a little turkey lying around in the fridge but lets face it! You are still stuffed from the binging that took place the day previously. However, once mid-afternoon rolls around, you could go for a nice, light snack. Here is my solution to this predicament you find yourself in.... :) its my simple, easy to make, "Day after" Thanksgiving snack.

What you need:
  • raw, sweet vegetables such as red bell peppers, carrots, celery, sweet peas, etc.
  • left over turkey
  • maybe a little olive oil and yummy seasoning.
This next part is the easy part. Mix it all together. I know that wasn't the most genious recipe, but it is a nice idea for a light snack that possibly you haven't thought about. :) Enjoy your eating..

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