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Sunday, February 3, 2013

Lazy Cocoa Corn

For whatever reason, I have been exhausted this weekend. Physically exhausted, mentally exhausted, spiritually exhausted, and emotionally exhausted. I don't know why. I have it pretty easy. But  I guess life gets around to each of us every once in while and we are just down right tired. Yesterday, I slept in until 10 o'clock in the morning, which is rare for me because I am one of those crazies who likes  the mornings. Then I went to the rec center to work out, which was so successful by the way....NOT! Ha. Ha. When I came home around 3 o'clock in the after-noon, I passed out on the couch for a good hour and half. Then by 9 o'clock, I was ready to crawl in bed and sleep. But physics homework kept me up nevertheless. This is when I morphed from a well functioning human being into a completely different species.....An emotional girl. I was bawling my eyes out just saying over and over, "I don't get this! I am so tired." My mom just came downstairs and chuckled saying, "Ok, you are so overly tired. Go get comfy clothes on and go to bed." She proceeded to lovingly brush my hair until I zonked out on my pillow. Today wasn't much better. Woke up early for church, and predictably I took an hour nap afterwards. I seriously do not understand why I have been so tired but I have been. Oh and apparently when I am tired, my eye-lid twitches uncontrollably, non-stop. Weirdest thing ever, I know! So now that I have vented to all those wonderful readers of mine...who probably have better things to worry about....I shall give you what you are really here for: Chocolate popcorn! Or better known as "Cocoa Corn"

  • 3 cups of stove popped popcorn
  • 2-3 teaspoons of cocoa powder
  • 2-3 tablespoons of light agave nectar 

1. Throw your popcorn into a reasonably sized tupper-ware.

2. Carefully sprinkle the cocoa powder over the top. Shake vigorously to evenly distribute the powder. (Note to self: works as a great stress or anger reliever! Ha. Ha.)

3. Then lightly pour over 2 teaspoons of agave.

4. Shake vigorously again. Taste it to make sure it isn't to bitter from the cocoa. If it is, add another teaspoon of agave.

5. Shake and make sure everything is evenly coated with chocolaty goodness.

6. Microwave the popcorn for a good fifteen-twenty seconds. (Depending on the power of your microwave)

7. Enjoy!  :) 

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